Saturday, February 23, 2013

Nettapus auritus

African Pygmy Goose 
IUCN Listing: Least concern- decreasing population
Winter Habitat: They do not have much of a migration pattern, sometimes they will follow the patterns of the rainfall, but for the most part they remain near slow flowing rivers, shallow bays in lakes, marshes and swamps where aquatic plants are plentiful.
Food: Its distribution is attributed to the distribution of water lilies; although they will consume other aquatic plants, a large majority of their diet is primarily water lilies.
Foraging Technique: Dabbling, but these geese are able to dive to avoid predators of to forage quite well.
Breeding Habitat: Refer to wintering habitat as well as food. 
Nesting Preference: Cliff holes or cavities in trees
Average Clutch Size: 6-12 eggs
First age of Breeding:  2 years

Literature cited:
Ducks, Geese and Swans of the World

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