Saturday, February 23, 2013

Branta bernicla

The Brant is unique because it is a sea goose, which isn’t common. They tend to always remain near the tide of the ocean, or slightly inland where streams are present. As young geese, they will eat invertebrates and the like but with age they eat more maritime foods including eelgrass and wigeon grass. The occasional invertebrate may be ingested due to the fact of the food they eat which often times contains many invertebrates.
IUCN Listing: Least concern - unknown population trend
Winter Habitat: Ocean goose! They usually stay in the shallows of the ocean and near saltwater bays
Food: Eelgrass and wigeon grass and as young geese they will eat invertebrates
Foraging Technique: Grazing
Breeding Habitat: Small tundra islands within five miles of a coastline
Nesting Preference: Shallow bowl with vegetation and down lining it
Average Clutch Size: 3-5
First age of Breeding:  

Literature cited:
Ducks, Geese and Swans of the World

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