Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wood Ducks

Our to do list for checking wood duck nests was:
  1. Find the wood duck nest box
  2. Plug the entry hole in case there was a wood duck
  3. Climb up a ladder to the top of the box, peak inside to see if a duck is present
  4. If not present, open the cover and see if there is any evidence of nesting (this could be eggs, down, a duck laying impression)
  5. If present, grab the duck
  6. Put a leg-band on the duck if not already banded (if banded, read the band and record it)
  7. Take basic measurements
  8. Release the duck
  9. While the duck is being fitted with a new band, the other person is able to check how many eggs are present and to determine how fertile they are with a floating egg test.

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