Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pittman-Robertson Act

Established in 1937 by Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Pittman-Robertson Act was a tax on gear used for hunting (including cameo, ammunition, guns, decoys). With this act, wood duck species have been able to rebound due to the large amount of money gained from this act and projects that are able to be put forth due to the incoming money from the taxes. In 50 years, approximately 2 billion dollars has been raised for projects of wildlife restoration from this act and has been matched by approximately 500 million dollars from states (licensing hunting fees). There is no doubt that hunting has contributed a lot of funds to wildlife restoration, and the depletion of funds could potentially be detrimental for protecting waterfowl and wetland habitats (Think: what would we do without the 2 billion dollars raised from this act alone?).

  • 40 million acres of land has been influenced to be better habitat
  • 4 million acres have been purchased by this act for wildlife management
  • Plus many projects that have been carried out and provided scientific research for conservation

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