Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tadorna ferruginea

Ruddy Shelduck:

IUCN Listing: Least concern - unknown population trend
Winter HabitatThis bird persist in Russia with a variety of habitats but mainly it consists of brackish or salty wetland habitats; however, the preferred habitat is open country, in lower elevations than in the breeding season
Food: Mainly vegetarian diet consisting of grains
Foraging Technique: Forage nocturnally by grazing
Breeding Habitat:  Head high on the mountains of over 4000 meters 
Nesting Preference: Holes in sandy banks or in clay
Average Clutch Size: 8-12 eggs
First age of Breeding:  2 years

Literature cited:
Ducks, Geese and Swans of the World

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