Saturday, February 23, 2013

Anser rossii

Ross' Goose

IUCN Listing: Least concern - increasing population
Winter Habitat During the wintertime, they tend to live near agricultural lands and shallow wetlands
Food: During the winter time, they forage grass and while flying south they typically feed on grains.
Foraging Technique: Grazing
Breeding Habitat: Refer to clutch size. Ross Goose finds islands that possess lakes which are too large for the mammalian predators to swim across, creating a safe environment to incubate
Nesting Preference: Refer clutch size
Average Clutch Size: These geese have a smaller clutch, approximately two to six eggs, than their closely related snow goose and also they began incubating eggs earlier. This could be attributed to where they breed, in the Arctic tundra near shallow lakes, which has a higher predation factor of Arctic Fox and Parasitic Jaegers.
First age of Breeding: At the age of two years old, Ross geese begin nesting in the Arctic tundra near shallow lakes.

Literature cited:
Ducks, Geese and Swans of the World

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